As predicted, it's been raining above village level in many northern resorts today. But the thaw should be short-lived.
It feels like mid-winter today on the slopes, with the daytime freezing point around the 300m mark.
Next time you plan your skiing trip to the Alps, why not consider bringing your dog? There are cross-country skiing dogs that pull their human along behind them, and we’re seen some husky-sled...
Half term is almost over, so why not consider a quieter week of spring skiing...
PyeongChang has leapt into the spotlight: it was the first time the Winter Olympics Games had been hosted in South Korea.
It's looking good and wintry for the first part of February half term.
If the thought of all that ski clothing and the accessories makes you shiver, read our guide to getting it right.
There's not much snow in the forecast, but temperatures should stay low for another week.
...and what do you do if you end up in a resort without a non-ski kindergarten and no babysitting?
Half term will be upon us soon and, unbelievably, in what is the best season for 40 years, there's still some availability for that week.