Hotel Sassongher in Corvara sits on a rise, dominating the village just under the mountain of the same name.
There's still time to book some blissful days at the top of the Alps.
A decent pair of ski goggles are essential ski wear. Rebecca Maffeis puts together her guide to help find the best ski goggles for you.
Ego-boosting pistes await - as well as one of Italy's most exciting World Cup descents.
The snow will pause for breath on Friday and Saturday. But a proper storm is expected on Sunday and Monday.
The snow will pause for breath on Friday and Saturday. But a proper storm is expected on Sunday and Monday.
6 of the Best Intermediate Pistes for Warming up Your Ski Legs
Need somewhere steady and confidence-boosting to restart your skiing? These six runs should help.
Let ski instructor René Crazzolara lead you to the sweet spots in this spectacular region
A weekly direct ski train from London to the French Alps is back on track this winter.
There’s a busy week of weather ahead, which will bring snow to most parts of the region, including the Italian Alps.