Deep Snow and Monster Jumps | Welove2ski
Snow Report

Deep Snow and Monster Jumps

There are only a couple of weeks left to run in many Australian and New Zealand ski resorts. But there’s still plenty of fizz left in the season.

Pictured below was The Remarkables last Thursday. The resort’s near Queenstown on the South Island of NZ, and was walloped by 65cm of snow last week.

Deep Snow and Monster Jumps | Welove2ski
Photo: The Remarkables/Facebook

It was shut for a day as a result, but the sun came out quickly, temperatures rose, and someone had the bright idea of skiing powder in their underpants…

Meanwhile, in Thredbo, in the Snowy Mountains of Australia, inclement weather meant there was only one day of sunshine in which to run the One Hit Wonder event – over the biggest jump on the AFP World Tour. But it didn’t disappoint. 17 year old American Alex Hall of Park City, won it, after landing the first ever switch triple cork. “Now I have to go back to school and – hopefully – graduate,” he said afterwards.

The video highlights are mind-blowing.

This is also the time of year for fancy dress. Both the Remarkables and Valle Nevado in Chile had Vintage Days last weekend.

This was The Remarks.

Deep Snow and Monster Jumps | Welove2ski
Photo: The Remarkables/Facebook

This was Valle Nevado.

Deep Snow and Monster Jumps | Welove2ski
Photo: Valle Nevado/Facebook

And this was Gran Catedral in southern Argentina on Saturday. No neon-coloured clothing here. But plenty of the white stuff…

Deep Snow and Monster Jumps | Welove2ski
Photo: Catedral Alta Patagonia/Facebook


Meanwhile, in the Alps…

I was walking in the mountains above Canazei last Friday, in the Italian Dolomites. Walking…and eating the odd slice of cake, too.

Deep Snow and Monster Jumps | Welove2ski

The weather was dazzling: as hot as mid-summer in the valleys, and just refreshing enough to make hiking easy, higher up.

This week, it won’t be quite so summery. It’ll start warm, but there are likely to be afternoon thunderstorms in the western Alps today and tomorrow, followed by a more widespread deterioration in the weather as an area of low pressure washes in. It’ll be cooler too: but only the highest peaks and ridges are likely to see snow.


France flag France: The summer ski season in the French Alps is now over. All eyes are now on Tignes, whose glacier should re-open again in October.
Switzerland flag Switzerland: despite the very warm end to the summer, Zermatt is reporting that there’s plenty of snow on the glacier – up to 150cm, in fact. You can also ski on the glacier above Saas-Fee.
Austria flag Austria: late-summer skiing is currently on offer on the Hintertux and Molltaler glaciers. On the Hintertux, the snow has thinned in the recent hot spell and is only 35cm deep. Let’s hope autumn kicks in soon…
Italy flag Italy: Cervinia has finished its summer season.
Andorra flag Andorra: no skiing is currently on offer in Andorra.
Western USA flag Western USA: summer ski camps are currently running at Timberline Lodge in Oregon.
Western Canada flag Western Canada: the Horstman glacier on Blackcomb Mountain in Whistler is now closed.

About the author

Sean Newsom

As well as founding Welove2ski in June 2007, Sean has written about skiing and snowboarding in the British press for 28 years. For the last 20 of them, he’s also been the ski travel editor at The Sunday Times.

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